Sometimes I wonder how my kids will envision the past. I know currently a lot of people see past events in black and white. I am not sure I completely do this but...I do envision some events in the color of the paintings, photographs of the time. For example: I for some reason I envision the 70's as being very vibrant in colors along with a lot of earth tones but without the sharpness of modern images. Almost in a slight blurred way that differentiates hd television from normal (analog?) televisions.
Here is a picture of a sign I took not too long ago. The place was called Venture. From what I can remember they were something like wal-mart before wal-mart built super centers. The only thing I really remember about the store is that when they were closing I bought probably the 2nd or 3rd cd that I had ever bought...The band was called "Jimmy Ray" and the title of the album was self titled...Jimmy Ray...I bet you cant guess what the lead singer's name was...
Maybe he is a bit narcissistic?
Anyways back on point...this sign...

I am afraid this picture will become my main memory 20 years from now of a store that I barely remember now...but will I remember it in this version...or will I think of it in what ever future variant of odd I know.
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